Libraries are traditionally stark repositories of knowledge. Installing a green roof was an opportunity to generate community interest in green design to make this facility a dynamic teaching tool for ustainable design and environmental awareness.
The green roof was incorporated as part of an overall strategy to reduce and conserve energy costs here possible. Solar (photovoltaic) panels provided by the Seattle City Light Green Power Panel installed on the northern edge of the roof will monitor the amount of electricity captured and collected onsite.
Energy generated from these panels is fed back in to the city’s power grid, reducing the Library’s energy bills. Additionally, various rooftop sensors measure wind speed, direction, sunlight, etc.
The gently curving roof is visible from the periscope and observation deck and invites visitors to engage in the green roof’s ecology above the street. The project illustrates green building is feasible within a modest budget, presenting the community with an ideal example of benefits realized when sustainable design combines with extraordinary architecture.
As the site is in an urban setting, the challenge was to develop the site in a restorative manner. Formerly home to a bank and a parking lot, hardscape comprised 100% of the lot coverage. Today, combined with the green roof and planters at the building perimeter, the hardscape has been reduced to 20% of the lot coverage.
The seamless waterproofing membrane used for the green roof project, Monolithic Membrane 6125®EV-FR (fabric reinforced, environmental grade, 25% recycled content), is a hot fluid-applied, rubberized asphalt that forms a long-lasting, tenacious bond to the substrate. MM6125EV-FR’s unique formulation, which includes inert clay fillers, provides excellent resistance to acids and fertilizers.