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PDS - Hot Rubber Roller

PDS - Hot Rubber Roller

Protected Membrane Roofing - Pavers

Protected Membrane Roofing - Pavers

Roofing Garden Roof - Extensive - Concrete Deck

Roofing Garden Roof - Extensive - Concrete Deck

SDS - Monolithic Membrane 6125 EU

SDS - Monolithic Membrane 6125 EU

Wood Tiles

Wood Tiles

Hydrotech offers Wood Tiles as an alternative to concrete pavers for certain applications. They exhibit excellent resistance to weather and provide architectural charm and warmth to a roof deck.

ASTM D4263 Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method

ASTM D4263 Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method

DCD - St. Louis Zoo

DCD - St. Louis Zoo

Garden Roof Assembly

Garden Roof Assembly

Hydrotech’s first Garden Roof® Assembly was installed in 1996; the first “single source” green roof assembly (everything from the deck up) in America.

Garden Roof Assembly - Extensive

Garden Roof Assembly - Extensive



Checker Block Installation Corner Condition

PDS - Flex Flash FV-14

PDS - Flex Flash FV-14

Roofing Garden Roof - GT-4 Extensive - Concrete Deck

Roofing Garden Roof - GT-4 Extensive - Concrete Deck